How to use technology instead of being used by it?

How to deal with it?
Social Project is a social project. We teach how to use technology instead of being used by it.

We help companies, schools and parents. We teach about how „overdosing” on technology destroys one’s brain and mood.

We help to effectively unplug.

These people speak about what it is like to work with us

Mało kto wiąże złe samopoczucie z ilością danych, jakie wchłaniamy każdego dnia.

Very few people associate bad mood with the amount of data consumed everyday.
People think that smartphones are fun, and app developers are their friends., The problem is that they feed on our time. They consume it.

Founders of the project

The originators of the project are Joanna and Jarosław – a married couple working as brand strategists, academic lecturers and neurocopywriting experts.

In recent years of the development of the Internet and Artificial Inteligence, we have observed what influence technology has on our life and people close to us. For years, we have been teaching companies how to create content for the brain to believe in.

We have found out about the influence our work has on people. Because the more content you produce, the more content there is in the world, the more it reaches clients, taking up their attention.

We have walked the path of addiction to the Internet and social media. We know what influence the constant lookout for content and notifications has on work and life. That is why we decided to speak up about it. In our opinion, it is currently one of the most important topics.

How to use technology instead of being used by it? How to deal with it?

Joanna Burdek

The founder of A teacher by trade. A strategist, copywriter and lecturer by profession. Author of two books.

Jarosław Burdek

The founder of A teacher by trade. A data analyst, creative strategist, copywriter and lecturer by profession. Author of a book.

Each time you open a social media app, there are a “thousand people on the other side of the screen ” paid to keep you there"

O.Burkeman, Four Thousand Weeks