Constantly online?
This harms you.
Change it!

Learn with offlajnowi how to use technology wisely .

How much time is spent on the phone?

Peoples spend 8 hours online everyday. Over 3 hours on social media. They touch their phones several thousand times. Instinctively, we reach for it in every situation. While driving a car or playing with our child.

When do you have time for your life?

Do you know that too much technology is harmful? How? Because you can become addicted not only to alcohol, drugs or gambling. Behavioral addictions are equally dangerous – addictions to behaviors . To the Internet and smartphones.

Use of technology without limits wastes your time and life. It keeps you distracted, causes a decline in your well-being, worse sleep, problems at home and work.

Feels relatable? Perhaps your loved ones deal with this?

offlajnowi project recipients


You see that children are very tired and distracted at school, because instead of sleeping, they surf the internet. Help them unplug themselves.

Workshops for teachers, parents, and children.


Employees privately surf the Internet during even 17,5% of their worktime. It's almost 30 hours per month! And you pay them for it.

Help them unplug themselves and improve their performance.

Parents and children

How to spend time online creatively with your family? How to use technology wisely ?

We will introduce some pioneering workshops soon.

About the Offlajnowi project

Offlajnowi is a project in which we give tips to people, corporations and schools on how to live in harmony with technology – how to use it instead of being used by it .

We are parents with background in teaching, working as marketers and neuro-copywriting specialists.

In recent years of the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence, we observed the influence technology has on our lives and the lives of our loved ones. How the constant lookout for content and notifications  makes us feel down, distracts us and causes focus and memory issues. How it slowly slips in and destroys our everyday life, both of children and adults.

That’s why we decided to speak up about this. We teach others how technology impacts our brain, why we become addicted so easily, what effect it has and how to cope with it.

Project partners

Offlajnowi's workshops are recommended by:

The following workshops will help you with:


You'll find out why video games and TikTok absorb them so much.

Private life

You'll find out what harms you and how you can control technology instead of being controlled by it.


During conversations with others – it's a key matter!

The Offlajnowi Blog

Take a test to see how addicted you are to the Internet and your smartphone.

Find out more about phomophobia, phonoholism and social media addictions.