Smartphone addiction – do you have it?
Have you noticed that you cannot cope without a phone, too? You take it everywhere, even when driving a car? Read about what it does to your brain.
Have you noticed that you cannot cope without a phone, too? You take it everywhere, even when driving a car? Read about what it does to your brain.
There is a life without a phone. Look up and see what you are missing out on. The world outside the phone has a lot to offer.
Prawdziwe skutki każdej technologii poznajemy z czasem. Kiedyś nikt nie przypuszczał, że azbest jest rakotwórczy.
Tak samo efekty social mediów i dostępu do internetu odczują kiedyś, w przyszłości nasze dzieci. Choć już dziś wiadomo, że ciągłe bycie on-line nam po prostu szkodzi.
Have you noticed that you cannot cope without a phone, too? You take it everywhere, even when driving a car? Read about what it does to your brain.
There is a life without a phone. Look up and see what you are missing out on. The world outside the phone has a lot to offer.
In this article you will find out how the phone successfully consumes attention, what is dopamine and why just turning off the phone is too little to focus.
Check if you have the symptoms of social media addiction.
Phonoholism- what is it, the definition of phonoholism, the effects of phonoholism, symptoms of a smartphone addiction.
What does Internet addiction come down to? What are the symptoms of Internet addiction? What does Internet addiction lead to?